Nothing artificial about it: AI has emerged as an essential skill

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is introducing artificial intelligence (AI) as a subject for grades 9-12 and as a skill subject for grades 6-8 is possibly the greatest systemic change in education this year, according to Manav Subodh, the founder & MD of 1M1B (1 Million for 1 Billion) – a UN-accredited non-profit that aims to activate a million leaders who will positively impact the lives of a billion people.

“Year 2023 saw increased usage of AI, which has grown into an essential skill that our classrooms, school systems, and university systems need to respond to,” Subodh told FE. “The CBSE introducing AI as a subject is a great systemic change, but the desired outcomes and scale cannot be achieved unless we integrate AI into our classrooms and upskill teachers.”

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